This Quest is the introduction to Adeptify's new learning program. We have taken Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and created an introduction to those habits, an expansion and reframing of them, followed by a sequence of skill building activities using our learning model.
Jonathan Reams is behind the presentation of this course. He has a PhD in Leadership Studies, teaches at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and has a consulting business focused on leadership development.
Quest Curriculum
- 3 Levels
- Coaching By Jonathan
- Community Support
Level 01 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Level 1 starts with an introduction to the 7 habits, then mission 2 goes into the first 3 habits. Mission 3 takes you through habits 4-6. Finally, mission 4 describes the 7th habit, sharpening the saw to unleash potential. We use this as a transition to how this relates to natural learning.
Level 02 Natural Learning
Level 2 unpacks some basic concepts of natural learning. Mission 5 outlines the rationale for taking this approach. Mission 6 describes how knowledge and skills co-develop together in context. Mission 7 introduces the natural learning process at the heart of our work.
Level 03 Practicing Learning
Level 3 invites you to put all this into practice! Mission 8 introduces perspective seeking and the structure of natural learning we use for this. Mission 9 involves increasing your awareness of opportunities for practice. Missions 10 and 11 help you find and apply skills. 12 is review and preview.